How to fix Lenovo X1 Carbon 8th gen sound problem on Windows 10

If you faced with a sound problem (the sound just disappeared), and nothing helps (general troubleshooting, updating drivers, uninstalling audio devices etc, you can try to install Lenovo drivers. Unfortunately it is not easy to find exactly this drivers. (the link to them is located at the second page of the corresponding topic at Levono forums) Source (Lenovo forums page) link Drivers page (especially for 8th gen): link

Entity component system

Entity–component–system (ECS) is an architectural pattern that is mostly used in game development. Main points: every entity has unique id; every logic aspect is a component - raw data linked to the corresponding entity by id; system performs actions on entities having corresponding aspects/components; diffenent components can be stored separately; systems can track entities by using observer pattern. More details can be found here.

About passing dependencies through deep call stack

Here is another approach to pass dependencies through deep call stack. In a couple of words: deeply nested code not executes immediately but returns a function for the later lazy evaluation; the correponding function accepts the required environment; at the top level call the function returned from the nested code and pass the environment to it. Documentation.