
Here is a collection of typescript libraries for a various scenarios (functional programming, data structrures, various helpers, ui tools, canvas helpers and many others).. It a great example of granular libraries with clean code. definitely it can be used in production, and moreover this is an excellent bunch of examples to learn typescript. P.s. Thanks Vahid Kazemi for the link.


Recently I had a look at tofu library. Initially it seems this library provides granular typeclasses which provides developer to implement high level logic and substitute corresponding lower level implementation as proposed by tagless final approach. But env module, for example looks overcomplicated but tecnhically provides reader monad. Definitely this is an acceptable approach, but it seems that monix task dependency introduce all this complexity. Why env contains any side effect specifics?

Docker memory limit

There are some options to control application memory consumption. Docker has a couple of flags to control application inside the container. –memory flag defines non swap memory limit –memory-swap flag defines total memory limit (swap + non swap memory) Details can be found here Moreover, there is a cgroups limit at the os level. To check it cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes When you try to check is, in some situations you can see some huge magic number